The world

I have always loved this quote.

But never more than when you feel so alone, that it feels like you are the only one. The world is moving and you are stuck in sharp detail, as life rushes by you in a blur. 

And suddenly someone else is there beside you. 

The blur is getting further away because there is SO many people beside me.

I see it in the cards that arrive daily. They are postmarked from around the world. Candy just arrived from Germany. My favorite chips came from Canada. A quilt was hand delivered from a friend I have never met, through her friend, because she found a way to reach me from Florida. Each card, each gift, knowing it doesn't help, but trying anyways.  

I see it in the meals that were scheduled out for an entire month. We even had to turn some down and spread them out more, because too many people wanted to do anything to help. Food always seems like you're doing more than a doorbell dash, when you want to give them the world instead. Its called comfort food for a reason. I don't know how I'm going to go back to cooking meals for my family ever again. And I KNOW as I typed that, someone out there thought about making sure I don't have to for awhile longer. 

I see it in every message, comment and like. When people have voiced that they hate hitting that little heart on instagram. Because they don't love what I am currently posting about. I am the never ending story of sadness. But you hit it anyways because too often, there is nothing you can say in return. Its a show of support, hitting "LIKE" when you mean "I HATE that you are going through this."

I see it in the other mom's & dad's who were there before me, and continue to be new recruits to the worlds worst club. Hearing "I understand, us too," is both opening the wound again, and healing at the same time. The only ones who truly understand are the ones who have experienced this. And we band together, instant friends and support. Huddled together on the internet because we settled across the globe, but it feels like we are talking face to face. We didn't know each other days ago. Now we are each others closest confidants. 

I see it all. I see you. And you see me. 

the world

The world can make you feel so small. So insignificant. 1 in 6 million. a speck of dust in the universe.

But I feel like the world is suddenly so small instead.  

Love makes us all connected like you are sitting in this bed crying with me. Thanks for being my world. 

with love, lissa